Bonecretor Art Core

Bonecretor Art Core

The Bonecretor Art consists in the production of small figures in clay, namely, figures of representations that appear in the typical micaelenses cribs, like Lenten pilgrimages, pig slaughter, procession of Senhor Santo Cristo, philharmonic band, among others figurations maded from molds of plaster.

The tradition of the manufacture of Bonecretor Art, in the Azores, was born in the second half of the nineteenth century as a popular art, influenced by the first Portuguese ceramicists who settled in the Azores, when several ceramic factories were opened.

However, it is in the municipality of Lagoa that it has become a typical identity production of this area. This art of "dolls" is a complement to the families' sustenance, produced in adapted workshops in the domestic space, in post-work hours, thus solidifying the tradition until today.

The technical process of this art follow certain rules and techniques, and since that is a craft process, the manufacture of pieces is unique.

This art remains alive in the county of Lagoa thanks to the artisan craftsmen who perpetuate this tradition, making this city as a reference "cidade presépio".

From the need to extol this characteristic art, coupled with the need to relate the history of the most remarkable events in the life of Christ, the Bonecretor Art Core arises with a set of thirty three passages of the life of Christ, making this Core the ex-libris of the Public-Displayed Collection at the Mother Church of Lagoa.


Public-displayed Collection at the Mother Church of Lagoa

Serviço Pastoral de Apoio a Pessoas Surdas




